Do you ever get the feeling that you don't quite live in reality? Either presiding in the past, the future, or an inaccurate perception of the possible present?
What is it like to hold multiple truths that may in fact be only fantasies?
Sometimes self-improvement feels like masochism.
Where does our love go?
Thank you for shedding light upon my soul. Thank you for seeing my loving nature and my good intentions for the world. Thank you for seeing the pain it brings when my actions, all intended for the greater good, are misunderstood.
Thank you for shedding light upon the shadows. Love sees me letting go of the illusion of control. Love sees me drawing lines between lust and everlasting. Ephemeral/Eternity. Elope?
Where do your feelings go? Are they like water, ebbing and flowing naturally through a source of eternal love? Or is there a door, like a dam made by man, to manipulate the energy? May I gain entry through the gates of heaven or am I damned?
It seems as though there were some great divide between my body and my soul. War torn and seeking asylum.
Who can be blamed for the moment of truth? There on the rocks in the river, where the earth meets the water, when the spirit moves you?
Lead me for Your Mercy's sake to paths of Truth and Grace.
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